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Kicking the Darkness serves as both a warning and inspiration to readers, chronicling great personal tragedy and triumph over adversity. Although the stories within these pages may occasionally elicit tears, other accounts will put a smile on your face.

This is the true story of a genuine person who decided at his earliest recollection to persevere over everything that was thrown at him… even death. It makes the profound statement that life can be incredibly difficult for all, and so we have to remember that, in order to overcome our challenges, we must never stop kicking the darkness.

Ontario Shores Mindvine Podcast #111

I shared my journey with Darryl Mathers for Episode 111 of the Ontario Shores MindVine Podcast series.  Our discussion included topics such as my brother's illness and suicide, my caregiving experience during my son's mental illness, and my thoughts and advice on how to survive tremendous challenge and adversity.

Ontario Shores Mental Health and Recovery Day Event

My daughter Candice and I took part in the Mental Health and Recovery Day event at Ontario Shores on Wednesday, October 19, 2022.  Lori Lane Murphy served as the moderator of a Family Caregivers discussion that included film maker Shabnam Sukhdev.

The Ontario Caregiver Organization website above is a great resource.  If you are a caregiver looking for assistance, feel free to explore the website or call the 24/7 support line at 1-833-416-2273 to speak with a live person.

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